ATRIK Trading

Company was founded in 1995 by CEO Mr. Abraham Rozman.
Since 1995, the company specialized in the battery industry sales.
Started with Ni-Cd and Ni-MH and evolved during the market transformation to Li-Ion, polymer batteries, polymer packs Sealed Lead Acid Batteries.

In addition, and throughout the years, ATRIK team has expended their expertise in other fields, such as Chargers, Cables, Packing Materials, Plastic & Metal products.

Using our strong connections with our suppliers, we can deliver any OEM products according to each and every customer unique specification.

In addition, for each packing material size, artwork can be customized according to our customers preferences. The package along with the selected artwork is supplied directly from the manufacturer.

Since ATRIK team is connected with the leading manufacturers in China in each of products, when working with ATRIK, you can rest assure you will purchase the highest quality products, in the best price the market has to offer.

We at ATRIK work only with ISO certified suppliers, and products which conforms to the following standards:
Inspected by CB & TUV.

Once our team inspects the manufacturer site capabilities to supply the promised quality, quantities, and within the given time constraints, we return to our customers with the best offer.

We work with many different suppliers from each field, to make sure we can provide your business the best quality & price for yours needs.

Check out the different products we deliver inside the site.
Don’t hesitate contacting us with your questions!
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